
New Student!

 Students at School

This makes 28! My co-teacher has 27.  If you did the math, you know we are teaching 55 kids, all day, every day! And, we really love it! Stay tuned to learn more about the advantages of teaching together.


We started 2014 with 2 snow days tacked on to Christmas Break!  Then the day we came back, we had 17 of our 54 kids missing! (Did I mention, I co-teach, all day every day with my fantastic teaching partner?) Rather than start all new centers for BUILD (our math rotations) and DAILY 5, we scratched our lesson plans and did some "random", fun learning! We used some TpT Freebies I had collected over break and some stories that were begging to be read and had kids actively participating for the last 2 days.  I need to remember to take pictures!



I love snow days! What teacher doesn't? I'm not going to complain about them all being scrunched together and connected to Christmas Break! It does wreak havoc with the testing schedule, but look at it this way, we have most of our plans done for next week! And, we will have a full week next week but then there's Martin Luther King Day!

Winter is hitting us hard! Power outages, several inches of snow (it is being measured in feet in some places), and now the frigid wind chills! 86 days until Spring Break!